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Exercise and Nutrition for Burlington

Exercise Prescription & Injury Prevention

Therapeutic exercises specific to your condition are prescribed which will help you recover and return to optimal functioning more quickly. You will also be shown what you can do to prevent injury in the future. In addition, we offer advice on general fitness and exercise to keep you healthy and moving well. We encourage patients to play an active role in their health!

Fruits and vegetables

You are what you eat! We can help you evolve into the healthiest version of you.

Nutritional Evaluation

Nourishing food is vital in achieving optimal health and wellness.

You are what you eat! Nutrition plays a major role in your overall health, and can have a large impact on how you feel and function. A balanced, “clean” diet and proper nutritional supplementation is key to optimal health and well-being.

We can help by providing information on diet, nutrition and supplementation to help you evolve into the healthiest version of you!

Contact us today to get started!

Nutrition Burlington ON | (905) 631-3000